Parent Involvement Committee
The Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) provides the school board with information and advice to help engage parents. The PIC undertakes activities to help parents support their children's learning at home and at school. They also share information with and support School Community Councils (SCC).
The DDSB Parent Involvement Committee Regulation provides guidelines for how the PIC is governed.
Explore the Ontario Ministry of Education Parent Involvement Committee website for more information about the role of PICs. Read through the PIC factsheet and handbook for a detailed explanation of the purpose, membership and activities of PICs.
Joining the Parent Involvement Committee
The Parent Involvement Committee’s (PIC) primary role is to support, encourage and enhance parent engagement at the board level to improve student achievement and well-being. This purpose is achieved primarily by providing advice on parent engagement to the board, communicating with and supporting school community councils and undertaking activities to help parents support their children’s learning at home and at school.
The Parent Involvement Committee is comprised of parents/guardians, community representatives and staff representatives. This video shares the voices of our Parent Involvement Committee Members.
Volunteer Opportunities
Each September, PIC vacancies are advertised through the DDSB website, school websites, school newsletters and School Community Councils (SCCs).
New members are appointed prior to November 15th of each school year and before the first meeting. PIC members serve a two-year term.Resources to learn more about PIC:
2024/25 Parent Engagement Series
January 30, 2025: Overcoming Obstacles: How to Succeed No Matter What Is In Your Way |
As a successful Black role model who grew up in Toronto's inner city, Roland will share his stories of personal challenges as well as tools he used to persevere and succeed. Roland's story will inspire and motivate families with children of all ages and will connect with families in a way that will help them empower their children daily. View the all-Canadian athlete, executive manager, sales director, and entrepreneur Roland Acheampong’s presentation. Roland’s story will inspire and motivate families with children of all ages and will connect with families in a way that will help them empower their children daily. |
November 21, 2024: Everyday Resiliency and Hope: How to build sustainable wellbeing |
In a world characterized by rapid change and constant challenges, resiliency and hope are essential for personal well-being but also for the success of our family systems and educational environments. In this session, award winning author, speaker, scholar, resiliency and wellness expert Dr. Robyne Hanley-Dafoe shared practical strategies for building everyday resiliency with the power of hope as a strategic asset. Participants discovered how these two forces can help them navigate challenges, uncertainty while fostering well-being. |
February 7, 2024: Parenting in the Age of Social Media |
Today’s children and youth are growing up in an increasingly digital world. This reality is changing the experience of childhood and youth in significant ways, which is changing some aspects of parenting along with it. Parenting in the Age of Social Media addresses a variety of new considerations for parents and caregivers while offering suggestions for keeping kids safe, responsible and ethical as they navigate online spaces. View the presentation on Parenting in the Age of Social Media |
Parent Involvement Committee
Meeting dates, agendas and minutes, and Year End Reports |
All parents, guardians and community members are welcome to attend the PIC meetings as non-voting members. Registration for PIC meetings is required.Meetings for the 2024-2025 school year will be held virtually, starting at 6:30 pm on the following dates:View the Committee meeting calendar for all meeting agendas and minutes. Year End Reports: |
Committee members |
The PIC includes two parent representatives from each geographical area of the board, the Superintendent of Education/Engagement – Parent and Community and a Board Trustee. A balance of elementary and secondary representation is desirable. The board may appoint additional members including community representatives, administrators and teachers. Committee Chairs
Parent Representatives
SEAC Representative
Staff Representatives
Trustee Representative
Parent Involvement Committee e-Newsletters |