Staff Awards

At Durham District School Board (DDSB) we value the hard work and contributions of our staff, administrators and educators. The DDSB recognizes an educational services staff member or team who has made an exceptional contribution to the support of students, schools or the growth of others in the school board.

DDSB awards

Educational Services Award


This award is open to CUPE staff members, including:

  • Office – Clerical – Technical staff
  • Custodial and Maintenance staff
  • Educational Assistants (EAs)

Please review the Educational Services Staff Award application information.


Nominations are now closed.

Maxwell B. Nelson Leadership Award 

The Durham District School Board (DDSB) Director of Education will present the Maxwell B. Nelson Leadership Award annually to a member who has demonstrated vision, courage, sacrifice and outstanding leadership, in the Durham District School Board, particularly recognizing leadership that impacts the creation of equitable outcomes for all. This leadership extends beyond the expectations of one’s day-to-day responsibilities to actions grounded in the principles of Indigenous Education, Human Rights, and Safe and Respectful Workplace and Harassment Prevention. All active DDSB members and retirees of the 2023-2024 school year are eligible for nomination. 

Nominations for this award are accepted in the spring of each school year and the nominees and award recipient will be notified of results in May/June.

View the promotional video

Criteria For Consideration

Areas: Leadership, Vision, Courage and Sacrifice

Evidence may include the following:

  • Leadership demonstrating sacrifice, vision and courage;
  • Disruption of current structures and norms to create systemic transformation;
  • Courage and showing up above and beyond and giving of one’s self
  • Demonstrated actions/sacrifices that have lead to better outcomes for others
  • Collegial networking to support more productive school systems;
  • Leadership in development and implementation with a focus on Indigenous Education, Human Rights, and Safe and Respectful Workplace and Harassment Prevention;
  • Collaboration with community/provincial partners to foster systemic change;
  • Achievement and/or serving on DDSB or other education related committees.
Process For Submission
  • Nominations must be submitted on the “DDSB Nomination Form” for the Maxwell B. Nelson Leadership Award.
  • Detail should be provided to give a clear overview of the leadership contributions made by the member being nominated for the award.

Nominations are now closed for 2024.

Process For Selection
  • The DDSB Director of Education, or designate, and committee may recognize one or more award winners per year, or at its discretion, may identify no winner in a given year.
  • All current members of the DDSB Administration, or retired DDSB Administrators within the last 12 months of the nomination closure date are eligible for nomination. A retired nominee must not be employed by another school board.
  • A nomination must have the support of at least three (3) DDSB staff.
  • The DDSB Director of Education, or designate, will present the award winner(s) during the System Leadership Meeting.
  • Selection of the award winners will be based solely on the detail in the submission.
  • The Award: An acknowledgement Award will be given to the recipient and their name displayed as a record of legacy at the Durham Board of Education.

Additional awards

For more information on external teaching and education awards in Canada, please review the following list.

Prime Minister's Awards for Excellence in Early Childhood Education (ECE)

The Prime Minister's Awards for Excellence in Early Childhood Education honours an ECE for their leadership, exemplary education practices and their commitment to building the foundation children need to achieve success.

Governor General's Award

The Governor General's Award is given out annually to an individual who has made significant contributions to the field of Canadian history.

Ontario Public School Boards' Association Awards

The Ontario Public School Boards' Association gives out a variety of awards to teachers and school trustees for their work and achievements.

Canadian Association of Principals Awards

The Canadian Association of Principals gives out annual awards for the outstanding work of Principals and Vice Principals.

The Learning Partnership

The Learning Partnership gives out an annual award to an outstanding Principal.

Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation Awards

The Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation gives out a variety of awards to teachers and staff working in secondary schools.

Elementary Teachers Federation Awards

The Elementary Teachers Federation gives out a variety of awards to elementary teachers each year.

Council for Exceptional Children Award

This Council for Exceptional Children gives out an award to an Educational Assistant, ESL teacher, or support educator.

Science Teachers' Association of Ontario Awards

The Science Teachers' Association of Ontario gives out awards to teachers in the fields of science and technology for excellent leadership and achievement.

Coaches' Association of Ontario Award

The Coaches Association of Ontario gives out an annual award for excellence in coaching.

Ontario Association for Mathematics Education Awards

The Ontario Association for Mathematics Education gives out awards to mathematics teachers each year.

Ontario Business Educators' Association Awards

The Ontario Business Educators' Association gives out awards to business teachers each year.

Ontario Cooperative Education Association Awards

The Ontario Cooperative Education Association gives out awards to cooperative education teachers.

Ontario Council for Technology Education

The Ontario Council for Technology Education gives out awards for teachers working in science, technology and mathematics.

Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association Awards

The Ontario Modern Languages Teachers' Association gives out awards to language arts teachers.

Ontario School Counsellors' Association Awards

The Ontario School Counsellors' Association gives out awards to school counsellors for outstanding work.

Ontario Library Association Awards

The Ontario Library Association gives out awards to outstanding library educators.

Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan Awards

The Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan gives out awards for outstanding work by educators in Ontario.