Parent Portal

The parent portal is available to all Durham District School Board (DDSB) parents and guardians. Through the portal you can view your child's homeroom assignment, attendance history and grades. You can also set up SchoolCash and SchoolMessenger accounts through the portal.

Parent Portal

Frequently Asked Questions

When and how do I sign up for a new account?

If this is your first visit to the Parent Portal, click “Create Account” to set up your new account. To attach your child to the new account, you will need your child’s unique Access Password and OEN. If you did not receive your child’s Access Password, please contact your child’s school. OEN’s can be found on all provincial report cards.

If you have registered your child for the first time into the Kindergarten program, school office staff will contact you in June or late August to confirm and finalize your registration with the DDSB. At this time, you will receive your child’s Access Password and OEN to create your Parent Portal account or to add an additional child to your existing account. 

I have lost my password. How can I regain access to my account? 
Start the process to reset your password by clicking on the “Forgot Username or Password” button below the sign in fields. 
Can I update/edit my child’s name, email address, primary contact /demographic information associated with my account? 
Yes. The Returning Student Verification (RSV) form is available to parents annually through the Parent Portal. This annual information update process gives parents an opportunity to update information about their child. Please note: once the form is submitted for the year, further changes to information need to be managed through your school. More information about the RSV form can be found in the questions below. 
How do I add a new child to my account?

If you have a Parent Portal account and need to add additional students:

  1. click “Account Preferences” on the left side of the screen
  2. click “Students” and “Add.” You will need your child’s Access Password and OEN to complete the add
  3. Once you have added the additional child, you will see a new tab along the blue banner at the top of the screen under PowerSchool Logo
When will I receive my child’s unique Access Password? 
The Access Passwords are emailed from schools to parents/guardians during the last week of August.
What is and where can I find my child’s Ontario Education Number (OEN)?

The OEN is a student identification number assigned by the Ministry of Education to Ontario elementary and secondary students. This unique number is used as the key identifier on a student's school records, and follows the student through his or her elementary and secondary education.

If your child has attended school in Ontario already, OEN’s can be found in the top centre of the page of any report card. If you do not have access to a report card, you will need to contact the school directly to receive your child’s OEN.

If your child is just starting school for the first time ie: Kindergarten, the OEN will not be assigned until after registration is finalized by the school.

What is the Returning Student Verification (RSV) form and why do I need to complete it? 

This annual information review and update ensures that your student’s school has the most up to date contact and consent information.

  • For students in Grade 7-12, the RSV form includes the 1:1 Chromebook Program Informed Consent (CPIC) which permits your student to receive or retain a Chromebook. Without a completed CPIC, students can not be given a Chromebook.
  • If your child has SEA Technology, you will see the SEA Technology Informed Consent. This applies to students in all grades who have SEA Technology. 
When does the Returning Student Verification (RSV) form become available in the Parent Portal? 
Before the start of each school year, the RSV form can be accessed via the Parent Portal by late August. Families will receive an email via SchoolMessenger from DDSB containing further information for completing the form in the Parent Portal when it becomes available. 
How do I complete the Returning Student Verification (RSV) form & view my elementary child’s teacher? 
  1. Click on the Returning Student Verification button on the left side of the screen to review and update demographic and emergency contact information as well as review waivers and provide or withdraw Consents. This is required annually for all DDSB students. The Returning Student Verification form gives parents an opportunity to update their contact information including address, phone number, and email address changes, etc. Once you have submitted the form, close the Tab to return to the Parent Portal Home screen.
  2. Typically, on the Thursday before the first week of school, your elementary child’s teacher name will be available on the “Grades and Attendance” tab (not available for secondary students) if you have completed the Student Verification Form.

Visit the Parent Portal often to see your child’s grades, attendance history, schedule. You can also link directly to the SchoolCash and Safe Arrival login pages from the quick links on the left side of the home screen.

Is Parent Portal support available to parents/guardians during the summer months when schools are closed? 

School staff will return in late August, at which time they will be able to support families with questions about the Parent Portal.

Is there a specific browser I should be using when accessing the Parent Portal?  Why am I having issues accessing the Parent Portal on my mobile device?

You may be experiencing technical issues when accessing the Parent Portal on your mobile device if you are using Safari or another mobile browsing application. Google Chrome is the preferred mobile browser for accessing the Parent Portal. 

How do I select Virtual school when registering with the DDSB for the first time?

DDSB@Home Virtual elementary schools are listed on the school list in the New Student Registration Form. Parents/Guardians of secondary students who are new to DDSB and currently in the registration process that would like to learn through DDSB@Home Secondary, should contact the staff at their designated in-person home school to begin the registration process for online learning. Parents of current DDSB students cannot request a change in school through the Returning Student Verification form. Links to register a new student can be found on under Our Schools, Register for SchoolDDSB@Home.  Virtual elementary schools are listed on the school list in the New Student Registration Form. Parents/Guardians of secondary students who are new to DDSB and currently in the registration process that would like to learn through DDSB@Home Secondary, should contact the staff at their designated in-person home school to begin the registration process for online learning. Parents of current DDSB students cannot request a change in school through the Returning Student Verification form. Links to register a new student can be found on under Our Schools, Register for School. 

I’m moving to another school board. Can I de-register my child from the DDSB through the Parent Portal if we have moved into another school district?
No. Please contact your child’s school to inform them of your upcoming move.
What if I choose to homeschool my child? Can I inform the DDSB through the Parent Portal? What is the process for that?
No. Please contact your child’s school to inform them of your decision and they can guide you through the process
Where do I go for technical support? ie: Chromebook repairs, obtaining a Chromebook for my child.? 

During the school year students will need to report issues through the normal process of their home school or teacher. School staff will submit an incident report on behalf of the student.

Summer Months (July & August):  DDSB IT Services will provide curb-side Chromebook replacements over the summer months. If you experience any problems with your Chromebook, please schedule a time to replace your device with a refurbished unit at the Education Centre in Whitby.

Do not take the Chromebook to an outside agency for servicing.

Students will need to contact their home school to request a new device if they are new to the board or never received one.