Student Trustees and Student Senate
Student Trustees are elected students who represent all students in the Durham District School Board (DDSB). They participate in Board of Trustees meetings and guide the Student Senate. They are also members of the Ontario Student Trustees’ Association, where they work with student trustees from across Ontario to advocate for students. They are elected by students to a one-year term, beginning August 1 of each year.
Kayla Hoare (she/her)
Nitishan Poopalasundaram
Shampavi Vijayakumar
Send your feedback!
Your voice matters to the Student Trustees. Send an email to voice anything you would like, in relation to your school, the Board, Student Senate or the Student Trustees.
Interested in becoming a Student Trustee?
Student Trustees are elected prior to the end of February every year. Students interested in running for Student Trustee should contact their Principal prior to the winter break to learn about the process and put themselves forward as a candidate.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the Student Trustees via email.
Student Senate
Student Senate is a body made up of student leaders from each secondary school in the Durham District School Board (DDSB). Student Senate represents all students in the DDSB. It does so by voicing student concerns and perspectives on school and Board matters. Student Trustees relay these thoughts to the Board of Trustees.
Executive Council
Student Senate is led by a student Executive Council, made up of a president, a vice-president, three regional representatives, and three working group chairs, all elected by Senators.
Interested in becoming a Senator?
Senators are elected prior to May 30 every year. Full-time secondary students in the DDSB are eligible to run for Student Senate. Students should contact their school Principal to put themselves forward as a candidate.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding Student Senate, please reach out to the Student Trustees via email.
Constitution of the Student Senate
For more information, please contact a staff advisor for the Student Senate.
Staff Advisors
Student Senate staff advisors assist and guide the Student Senate in their work. This year’s staff advisors are: