Boundary and Program Reviews

Durham District School Board (DDSB) boundary and programs review with supporting documents.

Unnamed Pickering Seaton Public School

Durham District School Board proposes to establish the Unnamed Pickering Seaton Public School boundary for students residing in the new North Pickering development neighbourhood, specifically located in the block west of Peter Matthews Drive, north of the Gatineau Hydro Corridor, south of Whitevale Road and east of Scarborough-Pickering Townline/Markham-Pickering Townline Road (York-Durham Line). There are three partner schools, Highbush Public School, Westcreek Public School, and Elizabeth B. Phin Public School, as well as DDSB@home elementary which are accommodating students residing in this new development until the new school opens in the 2025-2026 school year.

Durham District School Board provides an opportunity to gather feedback from students, parents/guardians, DDSB staff, and the community on the proposed boundary for the Unnamed Pickering Seaton Public School through the Public Consultation Process outlined below.


Get Involved in the Public Consultation Process:  


Thank you for your time. We appreciate your engagement and value your feedback.

Unnamed Coughlan Public School

Durham District School Board proposes to establish the Unnamed Coughlan Public School boundary for students residing in the North Ajax and the North Pickering (Seaton) development neighbourhoods, specifically located in the block west of Salem Road, north of Rossland Road West, south of 5th Concession Road and east of Aquarius Trail. There are four partner schools, Eagle Ridge Public School, Alexander Graham Bell Public School, Valley Farm Public School and Valley View Public School, as well as DDSB@home elementary which are accommodating students residing in this new development until the new school opens in the 2025-2026 school year.

Durham District School Board provides an opportunity to gather feedback from students, parents/guardians, DDSB staff and the community on the proposed boundary for the Unnamed Coughlan Public School through the Public Consultation Process outlined below.

Public Consultation Process: 

Thank you for your time. We appreciate your engagement and value your feedback.

Unnamed North Oshawa Public School

Durham District School Board proposes to establish the unnamed North Oshawa Public School (NOPS) boundary – impacting the area north of Conlin Road, south of Winchester Road, east of Thornton Road and west of Simcoe Street, North.  The affected school communities are: Stephen Saywell Public School; Sunset Heights Public School; Dr. S.J. Phillips Public School; and Elsie MacGill Public School as well as DDSB@home elementary.

Durham District School Board provides an opportunity to gather feedback from students, parents/guardians, DDSB staff and the community on the proposed boundary for the Unnamed North Oshawa Public School through the Public Consultation Process.

Public Consultation Process: 


Thank you for your time. We appreciate your engagement and value your feedback. 

Vincent Massey Public School 

Durham District School Board proposes to adjust the existing enrolment boundary for Vincent Massey Public School (VMPS). The affected school communities are:  Vincent Massey Public School; Gordon B. Attersley Public School and Pierre Elliott Trudeau Public School as well as students who attend DDSB@home elementary. 

Durham District School Board provides an opportunity to gather feedback from students, parents/guardians, DDSB staff and the community on the proposed boundary realignment for Vincent Massey Public School through the Public Consultation Process.

Public Consultation Process: 


Thank you for your time. We appreciate your engagement and value your feedback.

Clara Hughes Public School Boundary Review

Durham District School Board proposes to adjust the existing enrolment boundary between Clara Hughes Public School (CHPS) and Village Union Public School (VUPS).  For the 2023-24 school year, it is proposed that all JK to Grade 7 students residing north of Olive Avenue and west of Central Park Blvd. South would attend Village Union PS (VUPS) instead of Clara Hughes PS (CHPS).

Durham District School Board provides an opportunity to gather feedback from students, parents/guardians, DDSB staff and the community on the proposed boundary option for Clara Hughes PS (CHPS) through the Public Consultation Process.


Public Consultation Process: 

  • Complete the consultation survey by Friday, January 13th, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.
  • A Virtual Public Meeting on November 24, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.  Results to be posted soon.
  • Proposed boundary maps:


Thank you for your time. We appreciate your engagement and value your feedback.

Donald A. Wilson SS Boundary Review

Donald A Wilson Secondary School has a Regular program boundary as well as a French Immersion (FI) program boundary for all Whitby students.

With both Regular and FI programs being offered at Donald A Wilson SS, the school has experienced sustained enrolment pressures for the past few years. In addition, growth within the school’s existing boundary areas has increased enrolment pressure. Over the past two years, the pandemic and the option for virtual learning has provided some relief to the in-person learning enrolment allowing enrolment to be accommodated on site.

As of October 31, 2021, Donald A Wilson SS had a total enrolment (in-person and virtual learning) of 1,797, with a Ministry Rated Capacity (MRC) to accommodate 1,375. This puts the school’s current capacity utilization rate at 131%, which is unsustainable.

We are asked our community to provide their input and share their feedback about Donald A Wilson’s boundaries.


Overview of the Public Consultation Process: 


Thank you for your time. All community feedback will be considered, and a report to the Board of Trustees will be presented for consideration in April 2022. 

Unnamed North Whitby PS Boundary Review

  • Please contact the Property and Planning Department at 905-666-6434 or email for information on the Unnamed North Whitby PS Boundary Review.

Unnamed Ajax FI PS Boundary Review

  • Please contact the Property and Planning Department at 905-666-6434 or email for information on the Unnamed Ajax FI PS Boundary Review.

CE Broughton PS Modified School Year Consultation Process

  • Please contact the Property and Planning Department at 905-666-6434 or email for information on the CE Broughton PS Modified School Year Consultation Process.

Ajax High School and J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate Boundary Consultation Process

  • Please contact the Property and Planning Department at 905-666-6434 or email for information on the Ajax High School and J. Clarke Richardson Collegiate Boundary Consultation Process.