Human Rights Policy Consultations Phase 1

The consultation process is now closed. The Board of Trustees approved the policy on May 16, 2022. You can access the approved policy and the related procedures on our Human Rights page.

Following extensive community consultation (Phase 1) that took place over the past year, a draft policy was included in the agenda package at the October 25, 2021 Governance and Policy Committee Meeting for trustee review. A special meeting of the Governance and Policy Committee on November 9, 2021 provided an opportunity to review additional procedures related to the policy, and the second phase of public consultation on the draft Human Rights Policy and Procedure package will take place in December 2021.

Durham District School Board (DDSB) recognizes that protecting human rights is an important part of students’ and employees’ mental health, well being, sense of safety, mattering and belonging.

What are we doing?

DDSB is writing a new policy and procedures to help everyone understand their human rights, roles and responsibilities in DDSB working and learning spaces (for example, schools, offices and school or work events). 

Human rights are important so that: 

  • Everyone is treated with dignity and respect, and that they feel welcome, safe and included; and 

  • No one is treated differently or discriminated against because of ancestry, race, sex/gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, creed/religion and all other Human Rights Code protected grounds.

Why are we doing this?

It’s the law and it’s the right thing to do.  

DDSB is writing a human rights policy and procedures to help: 

  • Share information with DDSB communities about human rights, roles and responsibilities; 

  • Address all forms of discrimination, racism, harassment and hate (including and not limited to anti-Indigenous racism, anti-Black racism, ableism sexism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia
    Islamophobia, antisemitismfaithism, DDSB learning and working environments; and 

Who is involved?

DDSB values the diverse identities, experiences and perspectives of all members of DDSB communities. We are committed to developing a policy and procedures that reflect the voices of the communities we serve. All DDSB community members are invited to share their perspectives on the development of a human rights policy. Your voice is important – we want to hear from you. 

How do I get involved?

For more information, view the Framework for the Development of a Human Rights Policy and Procedures and Consultation Plan presentation.

Last fall, we invited community feedback via survey, Board committee and other meetings, email, phone and Thoughtexchange 

If you missed the first consultationyou can still share your feedback by 
email or phone (905) 666-6396. 

Please noteThe policy development and consultation timelines have shifted.   

We expect to launch the second phase of community consultations in fall/winter 2021/2022. All DDSB community members will have an opportunity to provide feedback on the draft policyWe will post details and timelines as they become available. Visit this page often for more information.  

We plan to report back to DDSB communities about the results of the consultations in winter/spring 2021/2022. 

Note: Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions on gatherings, we are unable to host in person group meetings at this time. 


If you require alternative formats or Human Rights Code related accommodation or communications support to participate in the consultation, please contact or (905) 666-6396.