30 Credits My Way: External Credit Options

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External Credit Options

Discovering a realm of educational opportunities beyond the Durham District School Board (DDSB), students can explore external credit options such as exchange programs, International Language Credits, Royal Conservatory of Music Credits, and Accredited Ontario Private School Credits. However, it's crucial for students and families to recognize that they must take the initiative to register for these programs and verify the validity of the credits before enrollment.

Upon completion of an external credit, students must ensure that the agency from which they obtained the credit sends a report card, transcript, or completion certificate directly to their home school. This documentation is necessary for updating the Ontario Student Transcript (OST) and Ontario Student Record (OSR) within the Durham District School Board (DDSB). By following this procedure diligently, students guarantee that their achievements are accurately reflected in their academic records, facilitating seamless transitions and ensuring recognition of their accomplishments within their OSR.

Academy for Student Athlete Development (ASAD)

The Academy for Student Athlete Development (ASAD), in partnership with Durham District School Board (DDSB), supports high school student-athletes training for provincial and national competitions. ASAD provides tailored athletic development plans, including strength and conditioning, sports psychology, and nutrition, alongside academic education at DDSB schools. Student-athletes attend ASAD training facility for half of the school day and DDSB schools for the other half, ensuring eligibility and preparation for further education and sports placements nationally and internationally.