Connecting Families with Community Resources, Supports & Services
Each year, the DDSB provides an opportunity to connect community partners with DDSB families/caregivers transition planning beyond secondary school. We are excited to launch this resource which supports access at any time, from anywhere & replaces the previous in-person format. Community partners have provided contact information and links to their supporting documents. The information is organized by type of support to help families and caregivers navigate the information and learn more about the available resources in our shared community. Your community partners are looking forward to connecting with you to support your child in life beyond high school.
Durham District School Board's (DDSB) Transition Coordinators are a support role that helps families understand processes, connect with community partner agencies, and participates in Integrated Transition Meetings at the school level. Sade Gbalajobi and Braden Sherwood work with the Inclusive Student Services team as Transition Coordinators.
As a parent/ guardian you can be faced with many questions and additional concerns to think about. Questions like:
What government aid is available, if any?
Will my child be able to work?
Is my child ready for college?
Are there programs that can help my child in college?
Can my child live on his or her own?
How do I prepare financially for my child’s needs after high school?
This process can feel overwhelming. You are not alone and we are here to help.
In this role, the Transition Coordinator supports school teams in developing Individual Education Plans (IEP’s) and implementing a student-focused approach that identifies the student’s goals for work, further education and life in the community. They are dedicated to establishing and strengthening community partnerships with stakeholders in local programs that impact or support the transitions of students and provide opportunities that assist in the growth and development for students with disabilities.
They also supports school teams in developing transition plans through Integrated Transition Planning . The plan will link school teams, families, and community partners together to develop long term coordinated plans for our students while providing individualized support, ensuring that students and their families have access to available services that enhance the student’s strengths, goals, interests and plans for the future. These conversations should begin early and should always shape the experiences and opportunities that are available to students in schools, home and in their communities.
We look forward to working with you and empowering our students to achieving their goals and dreams for the future as contributing members of society who are valued for their abilities and uniqueness.
If you have questions/ concerns or require support in regard to your child’s pathway and life after high school, please feel free to contact us:
The Abilities Centre delivers enriching sports, fitness, arts and life skills opportunities for people of all ages and abilities. The Centre is fully accessible and combines barrier-free navigation with innovative programs like Thrive and Pathways.
Thrive is an innovative adult day program for individuals over the age of 18 with developmental disabilities.Thrive provides a strong foundation in supporting young adults to successfully transition into community life and the goals that are most important to them, including education, employment or independent living.
Thrive is designed to meet the needs of all individuals through group, individual, and goal-based programming that develops independent living skills, resiliency and community transition supports. All activities provide participants the opportunity to learn new skills, meet new friends, enhance self-esteem and optimize personal growth.
Thrive participants are offered various choices through flexible program options in the areas of arts, life skills, social recreation, sports, and fitness.
This impactful and innovative day program continues to expand each year with new participants and activity options. In order to meet eligibility and criteria for the program, all participants must be registered with Developmental Services Ontario.
The Pathways program is an initiative for adults 14+ with disabilities with a focus on independence, community engagement and skill development. For more information, please contact:
Autism Home Base is a non-profit organization that provides regular weekly social activities for adults and youth with ASD. We are autistic adults (18+) and their families who come together to build new friendships through social, recreational, sports and arts programs. We meet up on-line, in-person at our hub in Bowmanville, and in the community. It's $100 per year per family. We all work together to fundraise, lead activities, network and share resources.
Currently serving hundreds of families throughout Durham Region, Autism Ontario - Durham Region is comprised of parents and others who volunteer their time, talents, and energy to help improve the lives of children, teens and adults with autism. We rely on donations from individuals and members of the business community to fund our programs and services.
Autism Ontario is playing a key role in offering orientation and system navigation supports to families who are accessing or interested in accessing the new Ontario Autism Program (OAP). Autism Ontario will offer direct supports to families through the OAP Service Navigation Program to:
Help families understand the new Ontario Autism Program and the services available to purchase with their Childhood Budgets and/or Interim One Time Funding;
Support families in navigating their local autism services to access meaningful and effective supports;
Provide access to parent resources and webinars; and
Provide opportunities for families to connect with each other at events, including through peer-to-peer mentoring and social learning opportunities for children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Through this new program, families will have access to Service Navigators, who will provide navigation support and information to families through workshops, training sessions and individual direct support. Autism Ontario is funded to provide these supports to families, and there are no fees for families to access these service navigation supports.
This is a fee for service program directory. The directory contains information regarding: Community Participation Support, Caregiver Respite and Person-Directed supports for transitional age youth and adults.
In everything we do, DFCC is all about safe, hopeful, healthy communities. The way we do this is by delivering service excellence every day; building a culture of collaborative innovation and continuous improvement; being a great place for everyone; and, being recognized as a vibrant and progressive organization. Driven by our commitment to provide hope and guided by our values of compassion, collaboration, integrity and excellence, we empower and engage young people, families and communities.
Delivers services to youth and adults with special needs, including those with complex behaviors. We provide a safe and inclusive environment, where the needs of each individual are recognized. Enhanced Day Program offers individual programming for all people with developmental disability and mental health challenges including those with an Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Frontenac Youth Services is a non-profit Children’s Mental Health Centre. The centre provides support for adolescents who are struggling emotional and behaviourally (12-18 years) and their families within the Durham Region. Frontenac services include: Intensive / Crisis Service, Community Service, Day Treatment and Residential Treatment.
Referrals go through Central Intake: 1.888.454.6275
Kerry's Place
Kerry's Place Autism Services has been committed to enhancing the quality of life of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) since 1974 by being leaders in developing and providing evidence-based supports; and by building capacity by sharing our knowledge.
Through collaborative efforts and a dedicated staff we provide assistance to enable communities to increase their capacity which has resulted in the growth of services available to people with ASD and their families.
Nova's Ark is devoted to providing individualized, strength-based programming for individuals of all ages and abilities. The “Out of the Box” week day program offers unique, personalized learning which is fostered by our inter-professional team. Using the natural environment and a variety of therapy animals, an inclusive environment is created to support development in all aspects of life. Our focus continues to be on social and communication skills to enhance integration in the community.
Through dedication to enhance the quality of life for adults and youth with physical and developmental disabilities, participants build their daily schedule on identified goals and options available through skill-based programming promoting independence. Programs include: Transit/Employment, Music/Arts/Leisure, Healthy Lifestyles/Life Readiness, Life Skills/Financial Literacy. All programs are fully accessible and inclusive.
Precious Minds began in the hearts and minds of four women from Uxbridge who identified a real need to support families in North Durham who have children with developmental disabilities. Established as a charitable organization in June 1999 and incorporated in November 2001, Precious Minds continues to evolve to meet the growing needs of North Durham (Brock, Scugog, and Uxbridge Townships). We design programs that have a focus on developing the following skills: social, personal care, fitness/recreation, and work readiness. Our programs for children, youth, and adults are designed to engage, inspire, and develop skills for life. Participants explore a variety of creative and meaningful activities in a positive and safe environment.
Recreational Respite ( supports children, youth and adults with disabilities and mental illness through one-on-one support and group programs (virtual group options). Our team of Recreation Professionals promote inclusion, encourages community participation and nurtures social connectivity by reducing the barriers to participation.
1:1 in person direct support (for all ages) offers an opportunity for our recreation professionals to work on individual short or long term goals (in-home/community).
Virtual Recreation Groups (ages 5+) offers a safe virtual space to explore new interests and experiences in small groups, while working on goals and outcomes. We have fun and inclusive sessions for everyone!
Virtual Build It Workshops (ages 16+) aims to provide independent skill mastery for individuals who want to acquire new experiences with productive outcomes. These person centered workshops will cultivate life skills and promote self-care. There are a series of topics on our website for you to explore and included in our current monthly calendar.
Resources for Exceptional Children and Youth - Durham Region offers a range of services to hundreds of children and youth with special needs who live in Durham Region.
Assist the family to enhance their child’s participation in the community, and support the family to advocate for services that they require.
Work in partnership with agencies and organizations to foster an inclusive continuum of services and facilitate the community’s capacity to respond to the family’s needs.
Our services are voluntary in nature and require guardian consent prior to the initiation of any supports.
Our family-centred approach emphasizes collaboration with families, school boards, child care centres, and other community agencies.
Our professional staff has a wide knowledge base and a variety of expertise and utilizes these skills to ensure appropriate supports for each child in our programs.
Provide year-round sports training and athletic competition for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Special Olympics promotes opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy, and develop skills and friendships with their families, other Special Olympic athletes and the community.
To provide programs for individuals with developmental disabilities and support for families that are positive and inclusive through recreational, social and learning experiences.
Tania’s Place is an activity center for individuals with special needs. Programs include day programs, summer camp, March Break camp and PD days/Exam week support and programming.
Tri-County Community Support Services (Canopy Support Services)
Tri-County Community Support Services (TCCSS) provides community-based specialized clinical and support services to individuals, families, and service providers that contribute to the enhancement of the quality of life and community participation of persons with intellectual/developmental disabilities and/or Autism Spectrum Disorders. This is located in the Peterborough area.
WindReach farm is a charitable, not-for-profit organization that offers unique and innovative nature and farming related opportunities to individuals of all ages and abilities, including those with physical, psychological, and intellectual challenges. As a fully accessible, barrier-free facility, WindReach provides specialized features and services developed specifically to meet the needs of the special needs population within the Durham Region. Among such services is the therapeutic and structured day program, Learning-4-Life, which helps adults with disabilities strengthen their skills, independence, and physical well-being in a safe and nurturing farming environment. The program features a low staff-to-client ratio and promotes increased confidence, continued education, and active living through social, cognitive, recreational, and daily living skills.
Provides support based service to individuals 18+ within an exclusive structured and nurturing program. Programs are designed to meet the needs of adults with physical and/or developmental disabilities, adults who have difficulty performing activities of daily living, and adults with psychological and neurological disorders who may be disoriented with their surroundings.
There is a wealth of information on our website alone that walks applicants/caregivers/professionals through eligibility, application package, and the waitlists/next steps.
Assist adults with developmental disabilities in finding services and supports in their community including residential supports, caregiver respite, community participation and professional and specialized services.
The York Support Service Network is the DSO agency that services the Durham Region.
Durham Association for Family Resources and Support
Durham Association for Family Resources and Support (DAFRS) works in partnership with families with a member who has an intellectual disability or a child with a physical disability. DAFRS provides Family Support (services, resources, and other types of assistance) that enhance the capacity of the whole family to care for one another and to sustain and/or enhance their valued social roles as family members and as members of the community.
Kerry’s Place Autism Services is Canada’s largest service provider to families with children, adolescents, and adults, with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Since 1974 Kerry’s Place has been creating, and providing evidence-based supports and services across the province of Ontario that enhance the quality of life of those with ASD. Today, we are envisioning a future where all persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder are participating fully in their communities
Kerry's Place Autism Services has been committed to enhancing the quality of life of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) since 1974 by being leaders in developing and providing evidence-based supports; and by building capacity by sharing our knowledge.
Through collaborative efforts and a dedicated staff we provide assistance to enable communities to increase their capacity which has resulted in the growth of services available to people with ASD and their families.
Kinark Child and Family Services helps children and youth with complex needs achieve better life outcomes. Kinark is a non-profit organization providing services and supports in the areas of Community-Based Child and Youth Mental Health, Autism Services, and Forensic Mental Health. Kinark also operates the Kinark Outdoor Centre that provides a menu of recreational and therapeutic respite programs primarily for children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families.
For youth transitioning into adulthood with a diagnosis of ASD, Kinark Autism Services offers freeTransition to Adulthood sessions to help educate parents and caregivers on the services and supports available once their child turns 18. Contact our Service Representatives for info: 1-800-283-3377.
For mental health services in Durham Region, Kinark provides assessment and treatment services provided by an inter-disciplinary team of clinicians. Contact Central Intake for info: 1-888-454-6275.
A resource for families, providing information about respite services and access to potential support workers in Durham Region. The CHAP program is an online registry that connects families with screened independent respite workers. consists of agencies funded by the Ministry of Community and Social Services and the Ministry of Children and Youth Services. We are collaborating to develop a more dynamic respite network for both children and adults in Durham Region.
Respite is an occasional and temporary service providing support to families caring for a member with a developmental and/or physical disability. Respite creates greater opportunities for all family members to live actively, participate in community activities and build an ordinary life.
Support Worker - CHAP (Community Helper for Active Participation) Program
The Support Worker - CHAP Program aims to attract people interested in adding value and meaning to their lives by accompanying people with a developmental disability including autism and/or a physical disability and their families. Families in receipt of individually tailored Ministry Funding (ie. SSAH) can work in partnership with interested and engaged supporters to develop meaningful and valued societal participation.
To learn more contact the Respite Coordinator, Sandy Ciarlariello.
Community Living Oshawa Clarington supports over 400 children and adults who have a developmental disability and reside within Durham region. As an agency we offer a variety of supports and services which include residential (group home, Family home, Supported Independent Living), day supports (in Oshawa and Bowmanville), Foundations program, employment supports, children’s respite services, summer program, some case management for children (including transition planning) and their families and for adults, and fee for service programs. CLOC also offers some brokering of individualized funding, Special Services at Home or passport funding.
To access services for adults, please register with Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) at 1-855-277-2121); for children services contact the office at 905-576-3261 x 108.
Community Living Ajax-Pickering Whitby is a non-profit, agency that advocates for people who have an intellectual disability to be fully included in all aspects of community life.
Community Living Durham North is a non-profit charitable organization funded primarily by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. Our mission is to offer quality services and supports built on choice and advocacy, while fostering the community’s capacity to value all members.
The Access and Support Centre (ASC) provides services to students who are temporarily at- risk or identified with an exceptionality, to ensure equal access to all aspects of the academic environment. The ASC provides accommodations to meet students' individual needs through assistive technology and through coaching on self-advocacy and success strategies. The ASC team works in partnership with the students and faculty to co-ordinate appropriate supports to ensure inclusive and accessible learning environments on campus.
Durham College Community Integration Through Cooperative Education
Community Integration through Co-operative Education (CICE) gives individuals with intellectual disabilities or significant learning challenges, the opportunity to enhance their academic and vocational skills with modified programming through a variety of courses. The program includes a number of core courses, common to all CICE students, in topics such as; interpersonal communication, job skills, self-advocacy, self-awareness and computer skills. Other courses are drawn from a variety of Durham College programs and may not come from one specific program area, but a variety of programs related to a vocational field of interest.
Learning Disabilities Association of Durham Region
To assist in enabling persons with learning disabilities to reach their full potential through advocacy support, monthly information sessions, resource facilitation, lending library and public awareness activities.
Ontario Tech University is committed to creating a campus community that is inclusive of all individuals and ensures equal opportunity among its members to achieve success in their academic endeavours. The University recognizes that successful learning outcomes are the result of a shared responsibility and commitment on the part of students, faculty and staff, and expects that all members of the community will advance the ongoing development of an environment that is accessible and inclusive, while actively working to identify, remove and prevent barriers to persons with disabilities. To this end, Ontario Tech University is committed to facilitating accommodations, support and services for students with disability related needs through the department of Student Life’s Student Accessibility Services (SAS) office.
The Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work we have made it our mission to help people with disabilities break down barriers to employment. They give job seekers the tools and confidence to educate and market themselves; they help them refine and demonstrate their abilities. They help employers become leaders in socially and fiscally responsible hiring and retention practices. Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and work has multiple programs for individuals with disabilities. The Youth the Future Program, focuses on economic, social and psychological aspects of disability (be it one or more physical, sensory, medical, learning or mental health disability), as they impact people's ability to seek, acquire and retain productive employment.
Youth The Future Program:
Youth the Future Program is a 22-week pre-employment skills development program that provides working age youth with disabilities (15-30) the relevant and necessary skills to enter the workforce. The first 8 weeks of the program participants spend each day in classroom workshops, gaining employability skills as well as specialized certifications such as First Aid, WHIMIS, Food Handlers, Digital Literacy, Customer Service, Conflict Resolution and many more. and many more. During this time Youth The Future staff help participants with their job searching. Then for the remaining 14 weeks participants transition to a 14-week employment experience with the overall goal of retaining employment.
They have programs currently serving Brampton ON, Mississauga ON, Scarborough ON, Oshawa ON, Montreal QC, Moncton NB, St. John’s NL, and Halifax NS.
The Durham Region Unemployed Help Centre is a one-stop service hub to access government funded programs for assistance in; career counselling; job search; securing employment; specialized programs for youth; referral to government and community support programs. We tailor services to meet the unique needs of each unemployed person, including in-house referral for securing employment, referrals for eligible youth (15-29) to be paid while they learn the skills needed to succeed in the workplace. We also have funds available for eligible service users to remove barriers to employment e.g. transportation costs, purchasing necessary tools, work boots, uniforms, etc.
Job Bank has tools and services that can help persons with disabilities connect with employers. This page will help you find information about the various Job Bank services available to both job seekers with disabilities and employers seeking to hire persons with disabilities.
Provides individual job search support and guidance. Offers workshops in resume writing, interview skills and more. Access to computers, internet and fax machine and other resources.
Community Living Oshawa Clarington supports over 400 children and adults who have a developmental disability and reside within Durham region. As an agency we offer a variety of supports and services which include residential (group home, Family home, Supported Independent Living), day supports (in Oshawa and Bowmanville), Foundations program, employment supports, children’s respite services, summer program, some case management for children (including transition planning) and their families and for adults, and fee for service programs. CLOC also offers some brokering of individualized funding, Special Services at Home or passport funding.
Community Living Ajax-Pickering Whitby is a non-profit, agency that advocates for people who have an intellectual disability to be fully included in all aspects of community life.
Provides a variety of services to adults and youths with developmental disabilities living in the North Durham Region. Services and supports include adult residential options, employment supports, advocacy support, adult and children's respite and youth group.
Due to the global pandemic, and in order to ensure the safety of our clients and staff, these services will be provided virtually for the foreseeable future. Interpreting services can be provided in-person depending on the necessity and circumstances.
Canadian Hearing Services (CHS) is an industry-leading provider of services, products and education that empower the Deaf and hard of hearing to overcome barriers to participation. We provide a broad range of products and services, including:
Interpreting Services: CHS Interpreting Services facilitate clear two-way communication between Deaf and hearing people through sign language and spoken language. Our highly skilled interpreters provide communication in American Sign Language (ASL) - English, or la langue des signes québécoise (LSQ) - French. Learn more.
General Support Services: Our counsellors provide guidance, advocacy, support and counselling to Deaf and hard of hearing individuals who need assistance managing everyday life events such as completing government forms, navigating systems, and coping with hearing loss. Learn more.
Connect Mental Health Counselling: Through our Connect Mental Health Counselling program, we provide professional services to Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals age 16 and over, who are living with mental health issues or other serious challenges. Learn more.
Employment Services: We help Deaf and hard of hearing individuals with their job search and help them succeed by working with them and their employer to put the right supports in place. Learn more.
Communication Devices: CHS carries a broad range of communication devices designed to improve communication, safety and independence at home, school or work. Our knowledgeable consults can help you select a device that best meets your needs. Learn more.
Sign Language Classes: CHS offers sign language classes for individuals interested in learning American Sign Language (ASL). Our instructors use Signing Naturally, a sign language curriculum that teaches both ASL and Deaf culture. Learn more.
Canadian Hearing Services National Scholarship Program: CHS proudly offers scholarships to Deaf, deaf/blind and hard of hearing students, 17 years of age or older, to help break down barriers to higher education and build brighter futures. Scholarships are available for undergraduate and graduate students, including mature students attending accredited post-secondary institutions inside or outside of Canada. Students who receive funding remain eligible for the same level of funding for up to four years.Learn more.
Durham Community Health Centre formerly known as Carea Community Health Centre
Durham Community Health Centre formerly known as Carea Community Health Centre (pronounced Care-ee-ah) is a registered charitable organization providing a variety of free, community programs and services to people of all ages across Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax and Pickering. Our services include: health promotion and wellness; primary care, counselling and mental health; diabetes education; Hepatitis C screening, treatment support, education and outreach; geriatric assessment & intervention; young parent support, early years, youth, Indigenous and community development programs.
Family Services Durham offers Adult Community Support Services (ACSS). These services are for adults who are age 18 or older with diagnosed developmental disabilities. This program provides supports to help people reach their full potential, live as independently as possible and participate in the community.
Provides services and supports to individuals and families who are living with mental health concerns. Services include crisis response, residential programs, community support groups, justice initiatives and family support.
The Regional Municipality of Durham's Health Department promotes and protects the health of people in the region. We offer a wide range of health enhancing programs. We also manage the Region of Durham Paramedic Services. These programs and services address the growing and changing needs of our community.
Frontenac Youth Services is a non-profit Children’s Mental Health Centre. The centre provides support for adolescents who are struggling emotional and behaviourally (12-18 years) and their families within the Durham Region. Frontenac services include: Intensive / Crisis Service, Community Service, Day Treatment and Residential Treatment.
Referrals go through Central Intake: 1.888.454.6275
Grandview Children's Centre
Grandview Children’s Centre is an independently operated not-for-profit organization. We are the only Children’s Treatment Centre in Durham Region providing specialized programs, outpatient clinical treatment, and support to thousands of children and youth and their families with physical, communication and developmental needs and their families.
Assess, diagnose, prescribe and provide clinical treatment, specialized programs and therapies, and specialized equipment for children and youth with communication, physical or developmental needs.
Provide access to specialists, consultation and support for families.
Build capacity in the community through information, knowledge exchange and consultation to professional and other organizations.
Participate in research activity and teaching in the field of children’s rehabilitation.
Provides treatment, education and evaluation research services, which facilitate the participation and growth of individuals with a diagnosis of intellectual disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder. Lake Ridge Community Support Services, uses evidence-based, individualized behaviour therapy services to help children, youth and adults with autism spectrum disorder and/or intellectual disabilities maximize their potential in the community. We work with individuals through various transitions including transitions into adult life through individualized ABA, social skills groups and caregiver training.
Caregiver Community: Access a community of parents and caregivers on Facebook
Local Health Integration Network
The Local Health Integration Network is an organization funded by the Ministry of Health and Long Term care. We are able to assess your needs for healthcare at home and provide information and referral for long term care. We can provide acute, rehabilitation, maintenance and end of life care to you in your home.
Who We Are
The Central East Local Health Integration Network (Central East LHIN) is one of 14 LHINs in Ontario that work within communities to connect you with quality in-home and community-based Home and Community Care services. We can provide you with information, direct access to Home Care Contracted Service Providers, and many other comprehensive services.
What We Do
By providing Home and Community Care Services, the Central East LHIN can help you come home from the hospital sooner or we can provide you with information about long-term care options if it becomes too difficult for you to live independently at home. We can also provide acute, rehabilitation, maintenance, and end-of-life services to you in your home. We strive to make sure you receive the care you need when you need it and help you to enjoy the best possible quality of life during your time with us.
Children/School Health Support Services
The School Health Support Services program can provide services to students up to 21 years of age to assist with medical and/or rehabilitation needs that are beyond the range and responsibilities of school staff. The Children’s In-Home Services program provides medical and/or rehabilitation services to children/youth up to 18 years of age.
Information and Referral
We are a resource for information and can let you know about other services available in your community. These may include: Adult Day Programs, meal delivery services and transportation assistance.
You can also access current information about a wide range of health and community-based services across the province through the Central East Healthline website. The Central East Healthline integrates more than 40,000 records into a single database of information focused on health and community care across Ontario. Visit, or call 310-2222 (French 310-2272).
Financial Support from the Government of Ontario for Individuals with Disabilities
Helps adults with disabilities who are in financial need pay for living expenses, such as food and housing (Income Support). In addition to this, Educational Supports assist adults who can, and want to work, prepare for, and find a job.
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