Regional Centre for Success

Equity and Inclusive Education

The Durham District School Board's vision is that Ontario schools need to be places where everyone can succeed in a culture of high expectations. We strive to have an open and inclusive environment of equity in education in all our schools and for all our students.

The Equity and Diversity Strategic Plan sets out guiding principles and areas of focus for creating safe and inclusive schools for everyone.

The Equity and Inclusive Education policy echoes the Board’s commitment to embracing diverse social realities; while maintaining positive, safe and inclusive environments for all students and staff.  The policy is a reflection of Ontario’s Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy, supporting all areas of Durham District School Board principles, practices, and guidelines.

Our goal is to provide students with opportunities to promote equity and social justice.

These resources are intended to help students acquire the knowledge and skills that enable them to challenge unjust practices, and build positive human relationships as members of a global community.   

To learn more, the following four guideline documents Accommodating Creed in SchoolsGuidelines for Inclusive LanguageSupporting Our Transgender Students and Supporting Trans Students in Our Schools have been developed in consultation with staff and community partners to reinforce quality education, as we continually strive to support equitable services, programs and welcoming facilities.

Summer 2024 Program

Applications for the 2024 Summer CFS Program are NOW open.  Apply below.

The summer Regional Centres for Success Program at Durham College is an EXIT program, for students who are headed to college, but are 2 or possibly 3 credits short of earning their OSSD.  Students work towards recovering 1 or 2 credits and complete the Dual Credit Human Relations.  The program runs from July 2 - 26, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (dates and hours subject to change).

Program Benefits

The program allows students to:

  • Graduate through earning one dual credit and recovering 1 or 2 credits
  • Earn a dual credit offered by Durham College; this is a course that gives students a high school credit and a college credit free of charge
  • Gain access to the state-of-the-art facilities at Durham College free of charge
  • Experience the college environment
  • Learn skills for entering college or the workplace
  • Learn about career paths and opportunities
  • Benefit from a small class with a specialized Student Success teacher

How to Apply

Talk to the school guidance department or school administration to discuss suitability for the program.  Students who are recommended to apply to the program by their school can access the application here.

Centre for Success Summer Application

School Year Program

Application for September 2024 (semester one) is now open.

The program allows students to:

  • Earn 4 or more credits in a semester
  • Earn a dual credit offered by Durham College; this is a course which gives students a high school credit and a college credit free of charge
  • Gain access to the state-of-the-art facilities at Durham College free of charge
  • Experience the college environment
  • Learn skills for entering college or the workplace
  • Learn about career paths and opportunities
  • Benefit from a small class with a specialized Student Success teacher

How to apply

Talk to the school guidance department or school administration to discuss suitability for the program.  Students who are recommended to apply to the program by their school can access the application here.

Centre for Success Application (September 2024)