Speech, Language and Hearing Services

Speech-language pathologists and hearing resource teachers at the Durham District School Board support language and communication growth and development.  Communication skills support learning and participation throughout a child’s educational experience.

Speech and language services

Speech-language services for preschool children

Grandview Kids provides speech and language services for preschool-aged children. Referrals are accepted until the August before the start of junior kindergarten.  Contact them at 905-728-1673 or info@grandviewkids.ca for more information.

DDSB speech and language pathologists

DDSB speech and language pathologists support students in the areas of oral language (talking and understanding what is said), reading and writing, non-verbal communication, articulation and fluency (stuttering). Speech-language pathologists provide assessments to learn more about how students learn and communicate.  Then, they work with educators to help them implement next steps to improve communication within the classroom.  Students who need additional support to effectively communicate due to articulation (sound production), fluency (stuttering) or voice quality may qualify for in-school therapy through School-based Rehabilitation Services (SBRS) which is provided through Grandview Kids.  The DDSB speech-language pathologist at your child’s school can give you more information about this service.

Private practitioners

Speech-Language and Audiology Canada (SAC) can help you find a speech-language pathologist in your area who can provide privately funded services outside of school.

Private therapy is also available through the DC Kids Speech and Language Clinic at Durham College.  Services are provided by communicative disorders assistant students.

Speech and language milestones

If your child is not meeting the developmental milestones for language, they may benefit from the services of a speech and language pathologist. If you're not sure, you can check the articulation norms of speech development to see if your child's pronunciation is developing at the normal rate.

Hearing loss

Children who have a with hearing loss are at risk for delayed language development. The sooner you detect hearing loss, the sooner your child will receive support and improve their learning capabilities. You can get your child’s hearing tested by making an appointment with an audiology clinic.

You might consider a hearing test if your child:

  • turns up the volume while watching TV
  • responds inappropriately to questions
  • does not respond when you call them
  • watches others to imitate what they are doing
  • has speech or language delays
  • complains of earaches, ear pain or head noises
  • has difficulty understanding what people are saying
  • speaks differently from other children their age
  • has a history of hearing loss in their family


Check out our virtual speech and language room to access resources you can use to support your child at home.

Here are some additional resources. 

Articulation and speech sounds (expected targets by age)

We have created a list of techniques to help your child with articulation and speech sounds at home. These are easy to implement and will help you support your child's language development.

Phonological awareness resources

We have developed a phonological skills fact sheet, videos and activities to help you practice the essential skills necessary for your child to learn to read and write.

Vocabulary resources

You can help your child improve their vocabulary by using our language on the go fact sheet. Ask your child to identify items at the grocery store and then talk about them together to help with comprehension.

Play and language resources

Our play and language resource encourages you to find ways to improve your child's language skills through play. You can also read our socio-dramatic play resource for more ideas to encourage learning through games.

Speaking multiple languages

If English is not your first language, try using our speaking another language at home resource to offer tips to help your child's language development.

Toddler speech therapy tips

Watch this short video on speech therapy tips for toddlers.


Check out the following speech, language and hearing organizations. 

Apraxia KIDS

Apraxia KIDS provides resources for children that have been diagnosed with Apraxia of speech.

Canadian Hearing Society

The Canadian Hearing Society offers programs, technology, support and advocacy for individuals with hearing loss.

The Hearing Foundation of Canada

The Hearing Foundation of Canada offers children, parents and educators resources and activities related to hearing and hearing loss.

The Hanen Centre

The Hanen Centre provides programs and educational resources for parents and educators to help support child communication skills.

The International Dyslexia Association of Ontario Branch

The International Dyslexia Association of Ontario Branch provides information, support and advocacy for individuals, parents and educators about dyslexia.

The MOOG Center for Deaf Education

The MOOG Center for Deaf Education provides programs, workshops, and resources to educators working with students that have hearing loss.

Ontario Association for Families of Children with Communication Disorders

The Ontario Association for Families of Children with Communication Disorders provides families with resource and funding to support their children's communication development.

Precious Minds

Precious Minds is a community organization in Durham Region that supports individuals with developmental disabilities.

The Speech and Stuttering Institute

The Speech and Stuttering Institute provides clinical support, research initiatives and educational resources to support speech development.

Durham Deaf Services

Durham Deaf Services provides education and services to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Provincial Schools Branch - Ministry of Education

The Provincial Schools Branch of the Ministry of Education runs schools that provide instructions in English and American Sign Language (ASL).

VOICE for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children

VOICE is an organization that helps children with hearing loss develop spoken language skills.

Speech-Language and Audiology Canada

Speech-Language and Audiology Canada website